Sunday, May 28, 2017

Tarot Class

This afternoon was part two of my Tarot Class down in Taos, New Mexico. Due to it being a holiday weekend, the class consisted of myself, the instructor, and one other student.

The focus of this class was primarily the Minor Arcana, and how the numbered cards related back to the Major Arcana cards starting from The Magician through the Wheel of Fortune.

(Photo (c) Coyote Tarot, taken in class this afternoon)

I used my secondary deck, Fenestra Tarot, for this class. Tamera, the instructor, helped me lay out the ten Major Arcana cards, then showed me how to lay out the numbered cards in relation to their Major Arcana archetype. She used her Thoth inspired deck for her layout and we discussed colours and symbols that carry through from the Majors down into the Minors.

The four seasons/elements/directions were also covered in this class, though we didn't go too in depth with colour, she did skim over it and said how colour can be used to tie in the Minors with the Majors along with other hidden clues.

The other student got there a little late, so she and I had already had our decks laid out by the time he arrived to the class. Since she and I had taken up the vast majority of floor space between our two decks, he sat to the sidelines and studied the archetypes off of my deck with me.

This was a very informative class, and packets were handed out with even MORE information, plus a yearly spread that Tamera designed herself and went over how she reads it.

There is a chance that she will repeat this class in the autumn, when her own studies have ended, before doing a few other Tarot based classes.

Perhaps if she decides to redo this class, I will take my Zombie Tarot deck (as I'm hoping to make a pouch for it sometime soon to make it easier to carry) and see how those look with this layout.

(Fenestra Tarot (c) Chatriya Hemharnvibul, more information on the deck can be found at Aeclectic Tarot)

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Tarot Blog Hop

For the upcoming International Tarot Day on July 8th, I, along with over 80 others will be focusing on bringing our cards to life in one form or another.

I was one of the lucky ones to be selected for a card from the Minor Arcana, as to which card I got, I will be keeping it secret until the day comes. However the others participating will know which card I was assigned.

I'm planning on hopefully writing a one-off short story for my card, so I need to start getting it fleshed out.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

D.I.Y Decks

For a while now, I've been thinking about designing a few different RWS inspired decks.
1) This is going to be a personal deck consisting of my personal characters. This one will most likely be the most difficult to work on, but I want to try and make it happen.
2) A deck done in Italian. I'm casually teaching myself to speak Italian, and haven't found an Italian language deck that has spoken to me yet...
3) A coyote only deck. I've wanted a canine deck that is all 78 cards, not only the Major Arcana. Since Coyote is my spirit animal, I would love to have a deck focusing on these wonderful wild canines.
4) A collage deck with magazine images that I feel would best represent each card. This might be a bit tricky to make happen since I might have to measure and cut poster board in a decent enough size to allow for multiple images to be glued on and not look too cluttered.
Out of these deck ideas floating in my head, I might start off with the Italian deck first. In a Tarot group I'm in, someone shared their deck that they designed on index cards, and some scrapbook paper.
Of course, once I'm able to get started on this, I will be sharing progress pictures on my Instagram.
Hopefully when work slows down, I can get started with one of my projects.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Untitled Zombie Tarot Story

Chapter 1 - Justice
 Let's catch some zombies! With their lack of advanced motor functions, they should be easily trained as our servants, right?

Chapter 2 - The Chariot
 Zombies, zombies everywhere. Was this such a good idea, trying to capture one?

Chapter 3 - Two of Hazards
 I don't know about the doc. Hopefully his experiment works and won't be the death of us.

Chapter 4 - Ten of Hazards
 Things seem to be going well.

Chapter 5 - The Hermit
 Things aren't going as well as we thought...

Chapter 6 - Two of Cups
All's well again, or is it?

Zombie Tarot (c) Paul Kepple

Coming Soon - Tarot inspired story

In Tarot Nerds, a FaceBook community, someone posted asking us to share our favourite card(s) from our primary decks. Since I use the Zombie...